
The book of disquiet is a great book, unique in its own way. To write is to forget. Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life. Music soothes, the visual arts exhilarates, the performing arts (such as acting and dance) entertain. Literature, however, retreats from life by turning in into slumber. The other arts make no such retreat— some because they use visible and hence vital formulas, others because they live from human life itself....

July 3, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

What to do about Roe v Wade after Supreme Court overturns

Today the US Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. This ended the right to abortion upheld for decades. From the leak in early May to this ruling near the end of June, there is time to prepare and to act. But still, what can we do next to codify the right to abortion?

June 24, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Build a real business to last on the top and others

Just come across the tweets from Marcelino Pantoja. Feel something with the followings. One is that Steve Jobs on building a real company. The other is that Snowflake CEO Frank Slootman on competition. The difficult thing to start a business is what to build, what is the feature of a product you really want but can’t find. But that’s not enough. How can you expand your product into a platform with that particular product....

June 23, 2022 · 4 min · un01s

wild goose

Wild goose made in PCB is inspired by the poem of Wild Geese by Mary Oliver. The design uses strong contrast to show the changes and the unchanged. You are the same goose regardless of color. 黑白相对,前者为正片,而背面为负片。同学少年指相识于学校,那时意气风发,鸿鹄之志仍在。同时也是不识愁滋味的时候。天凉秋好化自辛弃疾的词,而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休,欲说还休。却道天凉好个秋。 那么什么变了,什么没有变?人变思念不变。

June 18, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Black Postcards

Black Postcards I The calendar all booked up, the future unknown. The cable silently hums some folk song but lacks a country. Snow falls in the grey sea. Shadows fight out on the dock. II Halfway through my life, death turns up and takes your pertinent measurements. We forget the visit. Life goes on. But someone is sewing the suit in the silence. I hear my country in your voice From Romeo Oriogun:...

June 11, 2022 · 2 min · un01s