language and the world

Life is nothing but a lightning between darkness. Without the words, we can feel the world. This world close to you and within your touch is vorld. To live is just experiencing the vorld. Each vorld is within the world, independent or dependent, with or without overlapping. We see the vorld and feel the vorld. We long to know more about the world beyond our senses. We create tools like telescope, microscope, oscilloscope, electroscope to extend our sight....

June 10, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Story of Epstein

This is from Adam Davidson. I spent two years working on the Jeffrey Epstein podcast, Broken. I became close with many of his victims and learned a lot of stuff that–for annoying legal reasons–we can’t publish. That experience has fundamentally reshaped how I see the world. TL;DR: I knew that rich and powerful men can get away with a lot. I didn’t realize just how much they can get away with and just how much the entire system–courts, journalism, prosecutors–works inadvertently and deliberately, to reinforce their impunity....

June 3, 2022 · 3 min · un01s

Gillian Rose

“I will stay in the fray, in the revel of ideas and risk; learning, failing, wooing, grieving, trusting, working, reposing – in this sin of language and lips.” “We have to follow not the path of self-enlightening doubt, but the path of despair. … This path is self-completing because it is more radical than mere doubt, and because it presents the ‘complete’ forms of ‘untrue consciousness in its untruth’.” “This is the counsel of despair which would keep the mind out of hell....

June 1, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Ramanujan problem

Find the value of x and y for the following two equations: $$ \sqrt{x} + y = 7 $$ $$ x + \sqrt{y} = 11 $$ My solutuin is based on a guess. From the above, the instinct is that both x and y are the numbers like 1, 4, 9, 16, etc. If we rewrite the equations as follows: $$ x = (7 - y)^2 $$ $$ y = (11 -x)^2 $$...

May 31, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

René Girard

“What opportunities can’t I see because they’re not prestigious enough?” “You don’t really outperform your peers with quality per se, you outperform your peers by finding underpriced quality that others don’t judge to be valuable.” Girard’s philosophy teaches us that the world is filled with under-priced opportunities that are only available to people who are comfortable with promising, but low-status projects. The modern world rejects imitation in favor of originality at all costs....

May 29, 2022 · 2 min · un01s