What can we do about it?

Starting from 2020, the pandemic set the background for this decade and further. Then George Floyd and subsequent BLM opened the ugly side of America wide to the world. The only light note was that the new genetic vaccine was developed in a record speed and saved the world from the virus. With that, it is still tragic to see that the zero-policy in China was still effective causing unnecessary harms to people brutally....

May 28, 2022 · 1 min · un01s


每个人都有一个自己的世界。人人不同,每个人的世界也不同,这些小世界都是有局限的。我们的小世界存在于一个巨大的世界之中。生命不过是黑暗之间的一道闪电,如何改变自己,如何体验这个巨大的世界,是每个人都该问的问题。 逻辑需要训练,科学需要学习,人的认知偏差需要时时警惕。语言如迷雾一般,需要小心驾驭。而交流分享自己的小世界,是理解那个大世界的唯一办法。居里夫人说,生活不需担心,而要理解。明白越多,害怕就越少。 Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. – Marie Curie

May 25, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

liberty and freedom

1 Yesterday 21 people were killed in an attack by a lone gunman at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. The 18-year-old gunman was killed by police. Why tragedies like this happen again and again in the United States? Buffalo, Laguna Woods, Sandy hook, Santa Fe High, El Paso, and so many others. March 13, 1996. 26 years ago, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School in Scotland, killed 16 kids and a teacher....

May 25, 2022 · 2 min · un01s

Are the ever-changing you still yourself?

Kant has four big questions for philosophy. What can I know? How should I act? For what can I hope? What is the human being? This writing has something to do with Kant’s last question. In the book of “Last Chance to See”, Douglas Adams told an anecdote about the Golden Pavilion Temple in Kyoto. “I remembered once, in Japan, having been to see the Gold Pavilion Temple in Kyoto and being mildly surprised at quite how well it had weathered the passage of time sicne it was first built in the fourteenth century....

May 20, 2022 · 3 min · un01s


“Moral worth should be judged not in terms of the naturalness of a trait, but rather in terms of how that trait impacts the wellbeing of everyone affected by it. Thus, violence is natural but bad, medicine unnatural but good.” – Steve Stewart-Williams, The Ape that Understood the Universe 道德与否不应该以某一属性是否自然为依据,而是应该以该属性是否会影响所有人的福祉为据。正因为如此,暴力是自然的却是不对的,医药是非自然的却是好的。

May 19, 2022 · 1 min · un01s