Aaron and Gaza Last Sunday, Airman Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire by Israeli Embassy in D.C. to protest US involvement in Gaza genocide. He died later after being transported to a local hospital on Sunday afternoon. What are we doing to stop the Gaza war? “My name is Aaron Bushnell, I am an active-duty member of the United States Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” he says in a video of the incident....

February 26, 2024 · 2 min · un01s

notes on SICP

… three foci of phenomena: the human mind, collections of computer programs, and the computer. Every computer program is a model, hatched in the mind, of a real or mental process. These processes, arising from human experience and thought, are huge in number, intricate in detail, and at any time only partially understood. They are modeled to our permanent satisfaction rarely by our computer programs. Thus even though our programs are carefully handcrafted discrete collections of symbols, mosaics of interlocking functions, they continually evolve: we change them as our perception of the model deepens, enlarges, generalizes until the model ultimately attains a metastable place within still another model with which we struggle....

February 24, 2024 · 4 min · un01s


子曰:“笃信好学,守死善道。危邦不入,乱邦不居。天下有道则见,无道则隐。邦有道,贫且贱焉,耻也;邦无道,富且贵焉,耻也。” 半轮秋月挂山崖,孤鸟悲鸣为有家。一己哀愁随落叶,百年世事入残霞。2022.10.2.

February 22, 2024 · 1 min · un01s


What’s in your hands, I think and hope, is intelligence: the ability to see the machine as more than when you were first led up to it, that you can make it more. – Alan J. Perlis (1922–1990) book SICP

February 20, 2024 · 1 min · un01s


$ git clone https://github.com/quickjs-ng/quickjs $ cd quickjs $ make $ $./build/qjs tests/microbench.js TEST N TIME (ns) REF (ns) SCORE (%) empty_loop 500000 9.20 date_now 100000 37.00 prop_read 100000 7.28 prop_write 100000 5.73 prop_create 10000 69.25 prop_delete 50000 71.60 array_read 50000 8.62 array_write 20000 17.19 array_prop_create 100 26.30 array_length_decr 200 12.39 array_hole_length_decr 200 19.25 array_push 100 45.00 array_pop 100 66.40 typed_array_read 50000 8.36 typed_array_write 20000 17.20 global_read 200000 3.98 global_write 100000 9....

February 19, 2024 · 1 min · un01s