Starting from 2020, the pandemic set the background for this decade and further. Then George Floyd and subsequent BLM opened the ugly side of America wide to the world. The only light note was that the new genetic vaccine was developed in a record speed and saved the world from the virus. With that, it is still tragic to see that the zero-policy in China was still effective causing unnecessary harms to people brutally.

This year, after the Beijing Winter Olympic, Russia invaded Ukraine and the war is still on with no definite ending in the near. We have Buffalo and Uvalde, two shootings one after another. What can we do about it?

There are two stories after the shootings. One is Ms. Gomez, a mum who was put in handcuff after urging police to enter the school. Once freed from her cuffs, she jumped the school fence, ran inside and sprinted out with her two kids. The other is that 19 officers waited outside the school for almost an hour without actions because they were waiting for backups and they feared for their lives while the gunman was still inside.