Life is nothing but a lightning between darkness. Without the words, we can feel the world. This world close to you and within your touch is vorld. To live is just experiencing the vorld. Each vorld is within the world, independent or dependent, with or without overlapping.

We see the vorld and feel the vorld. We long to know more about the world beyond our senses. We create tools like telescope, microscope, oscilloscope, electroscope to extend our sight. We creates transportation vehicles like cart, automobile, ship, airplane, and spaceship to ease our movement. Language is another tool to communicate about the world.

To learn and to understand the world from others, you need words and language. The calibration between words and world is hidden in the process of learning. In another way, the calibration between your vorld and others’ vorld is through words mostly. You have to realize that there are two different but related things that words describe. One is an abstract world and the other the real world.