世界是很奇怪的。通货膨胀依旧,乌克兰抵抗俄罗斯的入侵依然,美国股市在技术性的经济衰退中一片繁荣景象。似乎乌克兰的战火只要还在乌克兰,世界就依然太平,似乎通胀只要没有影响到自己,经济就依旧繁荣。夏季的热浪从来没有如此普遍,只要没有吹进自己的家里,气候还依然正常。就像乌克兰不仅为自己的自由而战,而且为世界的和平而战一样。无数挣扎在贫困线的人们在为通胀和气候变暖付出代价,而其他人却丝毫不受影响。The war affects Ukraine. The inflation affects the poor. The climate change affects the vulnerable.

Here is Volodymyr Yermolenko’s orignial tweet. He is a Ukrainian philosopher and chief editor at Ukraine World.

War is when your friends die. When you see this breathless cruelty of death. You remember talks with this brave young man, a talented scientist, now he’s gone. Or a woman who cares about her rose garden, and you thought of her as the kindest person on earth. She’s gone too

When we say that this war gets the best people, it’s not a metaphor. Best people, the kindest, the bravest, the most empathetic, go to the frontline as volunteers and do not come back

You sometimes ask yourself whether you are worth their sacrifice. Of course not. Whether this earth is worth their sacrifice. Not sure

the truth of this war: this a necrophilic sadist force that swallows life, destroys it, smashes all biophilia it sees on its way. The war is the abyss that makes life a rare species. Life is a baby. Your country is a baby. You are a baby. Fragility is the law of everything

necrophilia: philios (attraction to/love), nekros (dead body), involves the sexual attraction to a dead body