Science shows us a reality of the universe, not complete but better than guessing. However some problems of human being are not scientific but social. Each of us has our own small world, so our own different realities. Our worlds are small and partial of the whole world. Some overlapping perhaps. But how much?

This reminds me of the story by Natalia Ginzburg, Family Lexicon. In this memoir, Natalia moved between fact and fiction. She puzzeled why her father and silbings argued so vehemently while they were all against fascism. The reality each of us has is really unique.

The second point from the story is about normal under the shadow of war. Everyone seemed having a normal life until it was no longer there. As if things suddenly changed, we just could not pretend that war was not happening, in real.

We are having war in Ukraine. How long it will last? We are having inflation world wide. Possible recession. Will the heat wave this summer around the world make us fight harder to slow down the climate change? Perhaps. The real question is that how long we will pretend until we cannot?