Green Koan by Rita Dove

That the mind can go wherever it wishes is a kindness we’ve come to rely on; that it returns unbidden to the soul it could not banish and learns to thrive there is life’s stubborn mercy – given to soften or harden us, as we choose.

Code is the biggest lever humanity has ever invented

From Amjad Masad:

Code is the biggest lever humanity has ever invented. Yet it’s still constrained by how fast you can learn and type. Imagine how the world changes when these bottlenecks are solved.

Democracy by lottery

From Andrew Ahern

Democracy by lottery would empower us to combat oligarchy, give voice to the multitude, & put ordinary citizens in the room where decisions are made. The question is not whether American democracy will die, but whether it will be instituted for the first time.

bell hooks

From rain: The link to bell hooks is here.

In our rapidly changing society we can count on only two things that will never change. What will never change is the will to change and the fear of change. It is the will to change that motivates us to seek help. It is the fear of change that motivates us to resist the very help we seek. – Harriet Lerner, The Dance of intimacy