The title is a line from Lynn in the 2017 Thai movie, Bad Genius. “Don’t you see – even if you don’t cheat, life cheats you anyway.”

When I learn English, the literal meaning is easy to get but the subtle culture and personal feel is hard to grasp. This can come to the difference between two persons. What do I know what you say means the same as I say the same words and sentences? In this sense, the language is not static as a book waiting to be read but a two-way interaction between you and the world. This can be rephrased as another line: I know what I give you but I do not know what you receive.

Now let’s return to the cheat, the exam cheat happened in the film. As we know that the life is not fair and will never be. The real question is how not to be cheated by life. Or in another way round, how not to fool ourselves, by language, by schooling, by movies, by institutions? We are living in our own’s chamber with invisible walls around it. How to break it? How to touch parts of another being? I love you but I can not make you love me.