And you never meet the people. You never shake their hands. You never hear their story or tell yours. But somehow, in the act of making something with a great deal of care and love, something’s transmitted there. And it’s a way of expressing to the rest of our species our deep appreciation. So we need to be true to who we are and remember what’s really important to us.

From Steve Jobs Archive.

Bruce Alberts, Keith Roberts, Molecular biology of the cell, 7th Ed. 2022 细胞分子生物学, 7th Ed. 2022

生物学中有无数个事实,远多于我们认为学生所需的重点。如果你试图给学生太多,他们将不会学到任何东西。教科书的意义在于将一些东西梳理下来,使学生真正理解和掌握。 如果你去网上搜索,你可以得到所有的知识,ChatGPT也 可以提供更多的知识,但这会使人困惑,因为你无法记住所有的知识,“教育即记忆”的理念是行不通的。

Molecular Biology of the Gene


细胞生物学精要 Essential cell biology