There is one commentary on on Ukraine by Mariam Naiem.

On June 6, a catastrophic event unfolded in Ukraine as the dam in Nova Kakhovka was destroyed, another war crime by Russia. I’d like to highlight the following paragraph.

“To us (Ukrainians), it feels as though the world is anticipating yet another tragedy, as if we are simply characters in a dystopian series. Only when faced with a concoction of pandemics, floods, bombings, torture and rape can we receive help and support. And not only this, but we have to repeatedly prove to the audience that we are brave, honest, “civilized” and not wasteful. Prove again and again that no, we are not Nazis — contrary to what Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed. When making a moral case for support, that we are not irrational or too emotional.”

Ukraine as a country faces this crisis. Some individuals face the similar challenge, “to repeatedly prove that we are brave, honest, and …”