There are several things coming together recently. It’s time to present them together.

The first thing is a tweet. Now it’s hard to retrieve it but the idea is below. “They’re like the “entrepreneurship” professor that never built a business. They’re experts in the meta-game – they’re polished speakers, engaging writers, and thought-leading tweeters. The problem, though, is that they’re not judged by customers, the market, or nature, instead they’re judged by their peers. I call them meta-preneurs.” At the end the author concluded with this sentence: Don’t get sucked into the meta game.

The second thing is about the Japanese literature and the buddhism it inherits. This will take another post to explain. But the feel is there. Kawaii is one way to deal with it: daily details against the constant changes and uncertainty of life. The third thing is some buddhism quotes. 王阳明心学中有”心外无别法“。楞伽经中有“了境如幻,自心所现”,而心经中“色不异空, 空不异色, 色即是空, 空即是色”。

Franz Werfel has a saying: “For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.” So faith is the basis of religion. Human connects a duality, the inner idea and view has the force and capacity to change the outer world. Bellow said, “Art has something to do with the achievement of stillness in the midst of chaos. A stillness which characterizes prayer, too, in the eye of the storm… Art has something to do with an arrest of attention in the midst of distraction.” Truth, illusion, or just meta-game?

Know something and know something only by its name are different. The confusion about game and meta-game is the source of many other confusions. Remember: don’t get sucked into meta-game!