Mike Davis

For someone my age who was in the civil rights movement, and in other struggles of the 1960s, I’ve seen miracles happen. I’ve seen ordinary people do the most heroic things. When you’ve had the privilege of knowing so many great fighters and resisters, you can’t lay down the sword, even if things seem objectively hopeless. I’ve always been influenced by the poems Brecht wrote in the late 30s, during the Second World War, after everything had been incinerated, all the dreams and values of an entire generation destroyed, and Brecht said, well, it’s a new dark ages … how do people resist in the dark ages?...

October 25, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

smoke, twitter, Democrats

Brittney Cooper posted a question: is it a capitulation to the status quo by making any concessions to Democrats? All comes to the point that we vote in ways to reduce harm. that vote does not means a complete and total yes. Adam Davidson has something about similarity between smoke and tweet. Go read it. The gist is that big corporations figured out how to abuse our instincts. It may be tweets, smoke, sugar, fat, salts, or others....

October 18, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Hope is what life is

In the dark time, to act is more important than to hope. Samantha Rose Hill once wrote that “for Hannah Arendt, hope is a dangerous barrier to courageous action. In dark times, the miracle that saves the world is to act.” Life is always about hope. Then in an interview, Saidiya Hartman said the follows about the advice of “Don’t despair.” Here is the excerpt: “What is joy? What is joy?...

October 17, 2022 · 2 min · un01s

esp32 sdcard

Here is SD example code from esp-idf. Here is one header file for esp32 fatfs. use 4-line SD mode, consider the 10K pullup resistors on data lines code page: FF_CODE_PAGE : CONFIG_FATFS_CODEPAGE 437 US What is the biggest micro SD card for esp32 fatfs? 16GB? FAT = file allocation table FAT32 individual files on a FAT32 drive cannot exceed 4GB size limit. FAT32 partition must be less than 8TB. exFAT file system: extended file allocation table....

October 16, 2022 · 1 min · un01s


四通桥彭载舟抗议之后,孤勇者一时风行,据说上海封城的时候就流行过。当听到陈奕迅的演唱之后,总觉得耳熟。搜了搜,原来英雄联盟之双城之战的英文名Arcane,这部从游戏改编而来的漫画我其实是看过的。 致那黑夜中的嗚咽與怒吼 誰說站在光裡的才算英雄 由此又想到鲁迅的一首诗: 万家墨面没蒿莱,敢有歌吟动地哀。 心事浩茫连广宇,于无声处听惊雷。

October 15, 2022 · 1 min · un01s