what a man-made recession!

“And they laughed a little and were very friendly together, the three of them, Anna, Emanuele and Giustino; and they were pleased to be together, the three of them, thinking of all those who were dead, and of the long war and the sorrow and noise and confusion, and of the long, difficult life which they saw in front of them now, full of all the things they did not know how to do....

July 26, 2022 · 1 min · un01s


For a man who no longer has a homeland, writing becomes a place to live. – Theodor Adorno In our society there seems a general rule that the more obviously one’s work benefits others, the less one is likely get paid for. – David Graeber

July 25, 2022 · 1 min · un01s


I wish you happiness, if there is such a thing, as happiness. – Natalia Ginzburg, Happiness, as Such 不知从什么时候开始,我已经不再追求幸福。一个人能够做点自己喜欢并力所能及的事情,看看周遭的世界,就够了。宇宙之大单是看看NASA发的照片就可感知一二。火星的表面一如地球上的荒漠,借由韦伯太空望远镜我们可以更清晰地看到更多星系,若干光年以前的景象。时间太少,心愿太多如书,看不过来,实现不及。而读书越来越像雾里看花,文字似乎可以给我一个世界,可是这个世界几分真实几分假?这个夏天超乎寻常地越来越热了。宇宙星空离我们越来越近,而家却离我们越来越远。

July 24, 2022 · 1 min · un01s


What are we going to do with the projects? key: on the way to complete the design. proceed to prototype. wm: the concept interesting. finalize the details. start the design. read & code

July 8, 2022 · 1 min · un01s


Here is a short note on Gillian Rose’s Love’s work from Merve Emre. Love’s work is coextensive with the work of thinking and the work of criticism. Despite what advice columns and self-help books might teach, love, like criticism, is a peculiarly autocratic pursuit. One authorizes one’s own judgments and must live with the consequences. Sometimes—most of the time, some would say—we get it wrong. We err on the side of indulgence or cruelty, blind to (blinded by?...

July 4, 2022 · 2 min · un01s