Half a story

I have been to several cities in my travel. I lived in a city when I was young. In the north, there’s my childhood in a rural village and a high school. In the east, that’s my home for a while. In the west, I had my best college time. In the south, that’s where my girlfriend lived. At that time, the city was still small. I could walk to my grandma’s house on my little feet from my school....

April 20, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Solidarity with Ukraine

“It is unreal to watch some alleged leftists, in real time, fail to recognise a fascist dictatorship attempting to exterminate a liberal democracy, and calling for that democracy to surrender to fascism in the name of peace.” I am with Oz Katerji on this. If we agree Hitler invaded Poland, we have to agree Putin invaded Ukraine. If we stand with Ukraine, we have to send all resources including food, medcine, and arms to help Ukraine to defend themselves, till the victorious end....

April 17, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

What do we really love?

Went hiking to a nearby park. Bit cold and it’s pretty soon that my face was numbed. Birds sang their morning songs with no stop. On the top, the white peaks of rocky mountians in the west are clear to see. But no one to see but birds. Memory is clearly somewhere in our brain. When we remember something, it’s somehow printed hard there. If you practise, anything like jogging, swimming, basketball, guitar, violin, or piano, you know how the muscle memory is there....

April 16, 2022 · 2 min · un01s

A Half of a Story

I still do not know what is the best way to say goodbye. I hate it. So all the time, I evaded them because they were sad. Upon graduation, I did not send my friends off. Leaving my hometown, I left alone. No one taught me, I just tried it out slowly as life moves on. I have so many things to say. But where to start?

April 11, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

double standard

Double standard is everywhere in our life. The difference between I and others. The difference between my family and others. The difference between my people and others. President Zelensky is leading a fight not only for defending Ukraine but the freedom of western values. He is a hero. But if we are serious, we have to deal with the double standard. Besides Kyiv, how about other cities like Baghdad, or Kabul?...

April 10, 2022 · 1 min · un01s