Two Pointers

One chinese book on Math and Programming Both math and programming are useful for data science and machine learning. This is the future of digital world. Unique 2-in-1 calculator app in swift Twin-Calc is available for iPhone and iPad. Vocaloid 6 This is a tool powered by AI tech from Yamaha. It can sing according to music and lyrics. Very powerful.

November 18, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

2022-09-03 tetsuji

news: too many books published According to the Penguin Random House/S&S antitrust trial it was revealed that out of 58,000 trade titles published per year, half of those titles sell fewer than one dozen books. 90 percent of titles sell fewer than 2,000 units. video game music archive Garageband can play the mid file. tetsuji Something interesting … reference bootNoodle 2020 janus: a polyglot binary for BGGP 2021 remote code execution on a Gameboy Colour Binary Golf Association BGGP 2021 github

September 3, 2022 · 1 min · un01s


book review Read a review on the last days of Sigmund Freud, its sideline goes like: danger surrounded Freud in Nazi-occupied Austria, why did it take him so long to see it? The book by Andrew Nagorski, Saving Freud: the rescuers who brough him to freedom, offered to tackle this question in 1938. Whatever controversy brought by psychoanalysis, Freud knew the dark undercurrent of human behavior and he was critical of the false security offered by our wishful illusions....

September 1, 2022 · 2 min · un01s


“Moral worth should be judged not in terms of the naturalness of a trait, but rather in terms of how that trait impacts the wellbeing of everyone affected by it. Thus, violence is natural but bad, medicine unnatural but good.” – Steve Stewart-Williams, The Ape that Understood the Universe 道德与否不应该以某一属性是否自然为依据,而是应该以该属性是否会影响所有人的福祉为据。正因为如此,暴力是自然的却是不对的,医药是非自然的却是好的。

May 19, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Why France and German behave so?

今天的法国总统马克龙和德国总理舒尔茨很像1938年二战之前的英国首相张伯伦和法国总理达拉第,慕尼黑协定将捷克的苏台德割让给德国并没有带来一厢情愿的和平,只是揭开了二战的序幕。 “尽管试着将这种方式称为谈判,但绥靖的味道却难也遮掩。1938年张伯伦和达拉第去慕尼黑见希特勒的教训依然适用:给独裁者想要的并不能阻止他要求更多;那只能让他相信你不够强大,以致不能阻挡他得到他想要的。否则,顺着独裁者的思路,你早在事情伊始之时就该站起来抵抗。“ 国际象棋大师@Kasparov63 在2014年写了这本书《Winter is coming》,正是俄罗斯入侵乌克兰并强占克里米亚之后。

May 16, 2022 · 1 min · un01s