smoke, twitter, Democrats

Brittney Cooper posted a question: is it a capitulation to the status quo by making any concessions to Democrats? All comes to the point that we vote in ways to reduce harm. that vote does not means a complete and total yes. Adam Davidson has something about similarity between smoke and tweet. Go read it. The gist is that big corporations figured out how to abuse our instincts. It may be tweets, smoke, sugar, fat, salts, or others....

October 18, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Reading Pachiko

Pachiko is not a story but a historical summary of Korean Japanese from 1910 to 1989. It reminds me of blacks in USA, Malays in Singapore, and all minority migrants in the Western countries. Darwin’s natural selection is never about the fitness but the changes and the adaptation. Man will never change but be forced to change. That is the natural selection in human history. States, institutions like schools, police, courts, and many others are just ideas....

October 7, 2022 · 2 min · un01s

break through

[2022-09-17] Finally got something wireless & audio working on esp32. This is just a start. [2022-10-16] The proof of concept works seamlessly. Two parts, each works and both work together with no problem. Next step, hardware design and more bug fixes.

September 17, 2022 · 1 min · un01s


An excerpt from Deleuze on Godard. I can tell you how I think of Godard. He’s a man who works very hard, and it follows that he is completely alone. But this loneliness is not the common sort: it’s filled by a huge assortment of things. Not dreams, fantasies or projects, but actions, things and even people. It is a many-faceted, creative loneliness. It’s what lies behind Godard’s ability to operate powerfully on his own, but also as part of a team....

September 12, 2022 · 2 min · un01s

interesting stuff

For the first time someone complained that I swam too fast 记得以前看过一篇文章说游得好自然就快。我不知道自己游得好不好,反正并不快,所以一直在慢的泳道。大学时学会游泳,以前常游。后来有些时间没有条件,也没有时间。最近这段时间我已经坚持游了有近十年,快慢不论,体力还是有的。 120-year-old singing bird It’s amazing like a real bird chirp. Horace Mann Die Gewohnheit ist ein Seil. Wir weben jeden Tag einen Faden, und schließlich können wir es nicht mehr zerreißen. The habit is a rope. We weave a thread every day, and finally we can’t tear it apart anymore. 如果文化也如绳索,一丝一缕不断编织,到头来坚韧如枷锁难以断开。 Theodor W Adorno Kunst ist Magie, befreit von der Lüge, Wahrheit zu sein....

September 10, 2022 · 1 min · un01s