Why write?

如果能记下过去,未来就能有个可靠的参考,因为人的记忆实在是靠不住的。一个人会忘记,一个人会修改记忆,一个人还会添加记忆。这和一个社会会不断地修改历史、不断地重新解释历史、不断地创造历史其实是一回事。无论如何,也要让自己现在过得舒服点容易点。 不过语言自身也是一个不断更新的媒体,新的字词和概念不断添加进来,旧的字词不断获得新的意思。能在语言的波涛中留下来的,一定是个独立的世界,自给自足,浑然一体。

August 24, 2022 · 1 min · un01s



August 21, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

hope and life

Life The most tragic form of loss isn’t the loss of security; it’s the loss of the capacity to imagine that things could be different. -~ Ernst Bloch Time Days to come stand in front of us like a row of lighted candles— golden, warm, and vivid candles. Days gone by fall behind us, a gloomy line of snuffed-out candles; the nearest are smoking still, cold, melted, and bent. – C....

August 20, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

any luck?

Our culture is centered around success in almost any area - work, art, marriage and so on. It’s committed to resisting the idea that all of this involves way more luck and uncertainty than we’d like to admit. For example, if you die climbing everyone says you are a foolhardy idiot. But if you just don’t die - and everyone who climbs long enough knows part of that is luck - everyone says you are a hero and an icon....

August 15, 2022 · 2 min · un01s


8月12日英国作家拉史迪在纽约的一个演讲上遇袭,随即他的小说《撒旦诗篇》冲上畅销书榜。他的书于1988年9月出版,在伊斯兰国家引发大论战,许多穆斯林指责该书亵渎了先知穆罕默德。次年2月伊朗精神领袖霍梅尼下了追杀令。拉史迪接受英国警方保护,躲躲藏藏多年。现在,悬赏追杀拉史迪的奖金已经高达3百万美元。 科学的进步并没有解决人类社会的诸多问题,宗教的受众依然颇多。就如弗洛伊德说的,宗教不过是大众的幻觉。许多人步调一致,在重塑现实的幻觉中,以为自己获得了幸福,获得了免于苦难的庇护。当然,分享这一切的人们自己并不会承认这仅是幻觉。 如果说《撒旦诗篇》挑战了许多人生而有之的身份认同,挑战了宗教信仰的正统,同时也挑战了国家和文化的正统。这些年来,民粹主义在全球沉渣泛起。而在这个多变的世界上,怎样才算是正统?当一个社会的包容空间不断缩小,当一个社会推崇通过暴力而非理性来解决问,文化和国家这样的认同是否也在步入宗教的后尘,成为大众的幻觉? PS. The Satanic Verses incident is known as the Story of the Cranes in the Islamic tradition. It narrates the occasion when the Prophet Muhammad (died 632 CE) mistook the whispers of Satan for divine revelation. Of course, all Muslim group and sects today vehemently reject the Satanic Verses incident on both theological and historical grounds.

August 14, 2022 · 1 min · un01s