
Science shows us a reality of the universe, not complete but better than guessing. However some problems of human being are not scientific but social. Each of us has our own small world, so our own different realities. Our worlds are small and partial of the whole world. Some overlapping perhaps. But how much? This reminds me of the story by Natalia Ginzburg, Family Lexicon. In this memoir, Natalia moved between fact and fiction....

August 13, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

stock market and war

世界是很奇怪的。通货膨胀依旧,乌克兰抵抗俄罗斯的入侵依然,美国股市在技术性的经济衰退中一片繁荣景象。似乎乌克兰的战火只要还在乌克兰,世界就依然太平,似乎通胀只要没有影响到自己,经济就依旧繁荣。夏季的热浪从来没有如此普遍,只要没有吹进自己的家里,气候还依然正常。就像乌克兰不仅为自己的自由而战,而且为世界的和平而战一样。无数挣扎在贫困线的人们在为通胀和气候变暖付出代价,而其他人却丝毫不受影响。The war affects Ukraine. The inflation affects the poor. The climate change affects the vulnerable. Here is Volodymyr Yermolenko’s orignial tweet. He is a Ukrainian philosopher and chief editor at Ukraine World. War is when your friends die. When you see this breathless cruelty of death. You remember talks with this brave young man, a talented scientist, now he’s gone. Or a woman who cares about her rose garden, and you thought of her as the kindest person on earth....

August 12, 2022 · 1 min · un01s


I wish you happiness, if there is such a thing, as happiness. – Natalia Ginzburg, Happiness, as Such 不知从什么时候开始,我已经不再追求幸福。一个人能够做点自己喜欢并力所能及的事情,看看周遭的世界,就够了。宇宙之大单是看看NASA发的照片就可感知一二。火星的表面一如地球上的荒漠,借由韦伯太空望远镜我们可以更清晰地看到更多星系,若干光年以前的景象。时间太少,心愿太多如书,看不过来,实现不及。而读书越来越像雾里看花,文字似乎可以给我一个世界,可是这个世界几分真实几分假?这个夏天超乎寻常地越来越热了。宇宙星空离我们越来越近,而家却离我们越来越远。

July 24, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Why France and German behave so?

今天的法国总统马克龙和德国总理舒尔茨很像1938年二战之前的英国首相张伯伦和法国总理达拉第,慕尼黑协定将捷克的苏台德割让给德国并没有带来一厢情愿的和平,只是揭开了二战的序幕。 “尽管试着将这种方式称为谈判,但绥靖的味道却难也遮掩。1938年张伯伦和达拉第去慕尼黑见希特勒的教训依然适用:给独裁者想要的并不能阻止他要求更多;那只能让他相信你不够强大,以致不能阻挡他得到他想要的。否则,顺着独裁者的思路,你早在事情伊始之时就该站起来抵抗。“ 国际象棋大师@Kasparov63 在2014年写了这本书《Winter is coming》,正是俄罗斯入侵乌克兰并强占克里米亚之后。

May 16, 2022 · 1 min · un01s



May 7, 2022 · 1 min · un01s