notes on 20240412

Each of us has a window, that is ourselves. If we sample fast enough according to Nyquist-Shannon’s sampling theorem, we may reconstruct the world viewed through this window. Most of time, our views are just partial and approximate. It’s not so even because we are not fast enough and long enough. It's in vain to recall the past, unless it works some influence upon the present. -- Charles Dickens. David Copperfield There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor....

April 12, 2024 · 2 min · un01s

history, the rich, and Tim Jacob Wise

Divided and conquered. It is not just in America, it is quite everywhere?! Imagine that the whiteness is created by the rich for the poor, in America. Then the Redness is created by the power for the powerless, in China. Tim Wise Part 3 the history of whiteness

July 19, 2023 · 1 min · un01s

different forms of power?

In my backyard, there are always bird dramas going on and on. As you may know that birds are territorial animals. One year, a robin couple fought with another couple of black crow because somehow the black crow stole their chick and ate it. the poor robins called all their friends and had a fight on the garage’s roof. This spring, two Magpies built their nest on the apple tree. The construction took about a month....

April 16, 2023 · 2 min · un01s

Folly's Antidote

Folly’s Antidote But all historians are prisoners of their own experience. We bring to history the preconceptions of our personalities and of our age. We cannot seize on ultimate and absolute truths. So the historian is committed to a doomed enterprise – the quest for an unattainable objectivity. Conceptions of the past are far from stable. They are perennially revised by the urgencies of the present. When new urgencies arise in our own times and lives, the historian’s soptlight shifts, probing at last into the darkness, throwing into sharp relief things that were always there but that earlier historians had carelessly excised from the collective memory....

August 18, 2022 · 2 min · un01s