a part of power: you and me

Most of people will side with the power to survive, not the truth, not the beauty, not the kids because the society is structured with power. I have to say that there are definitely a few exceptions out there. They are the light in the darkness and the hope out of desperation. On March 31, 2023 at online Bucha Summit, Secretary Blinken commented as follow: “One year ago today, when Ukrainian forces liberated Bucha, they discovered a massacre....

November 24, 2023 · 2 min · un01s

The despair of Ukraine and others

There is one commentary on politico.eu on Ukraine by Mariam Naiem. On June 6, a catastrophic event unfolded in Ukraine as the dam in Nova Kakhovka was destroyed, another war crime by Russia. I’d like to highlight the following paragraph. “To us (Ukrainians), it feels as though the world is anticipating yet another tragedy, as if we are simply characters in a dystopian series. Only when faced with a concoction of pandemics, floods, bombings, torture and rape can we receive help and support....

June 29, 2023 · 1 min · un01s

Solidarity with Ukraine

“It is unreal to watch some alleged leftists, in real time, fail to recognise a fascist dictatorship attempting to exterminate a liberal democracy, and calling for that democracy to surrender to fascism in the name of peace.” I am with Oz Katerji on this. If we agree Hitler invaded Poland, we have to agree Putin invaded Ukraine. If we stand with Ukraine, we have to send all resources including food, medcine, and arms to help Ukraine to defend themselves, till the victorious end....

April 17, 2022 · 1 min · un01s

Notes from Noam Chomsky Interview

At the age of 93, Chomsky told us, “we’re approaching the most dangerous point in human history …” “It’s monstrous for Ukraine.” “It’s certainly right to have moral outrage about Putin’s actions in Ukraine,” he said of Biden’s recent declaration that the Russian president “cannot remain in power”. “But it would be even more progress to have moral outrage about other horrible atrocities… In Afghanistan, literally millions of people are facing imminent starvation....

April 6, 2022 · 2 min · un01s


Today Putin ordered troops into pro-Russian region of eastern Ukraine in the name of peacekeeping. Ukraine invaded. Then I saw the news of Dr. Paul Farmer. “The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.”

February 21, 2022 · 1 min · un01s