the world versus me

This is from a tweet: knowing about architecture means buildings are legible in a different way; knowing about plants and birds makes hikes more stimulating, playing music makes listening to it richer, etc. However, it clicks with me from another perspective. To understand or to know the world better, we have to know some details and have to know it in one or many more abstracted ways. Yes, the world (so vast in both time and space) to us (so tiny, life is so short) is always abstracted one way or another for us....

September 6, 2024 · 2 min · un01s

liberty and freedom

1 Yesterday 21 people were killed in an attack by a lone gunman at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. The 18-year-old gunman was killed by police. Why tragedies like this happen again and again in the United States? Buffalo, Laguna Woods, Sandy hook, Santa Fe High, El Paso, and so many others. March 13, 1996. 26 years ago, a gunman entered Dunblane Primary School in Scotland, killed 16 kids and a teacher....

May 25, 2022 · 2 min · un01s