Michael Peterson Is his writing difficult? I suppose so, in the sense that it uses a technical vocabulary specific to his work and the tradition he is working from. These are, most basically: phenomenology, semiotics, psychoanalysis, and Western philosophical history. Combined, this leaves us in a position where the objects of his inquiry are varied and risk being construed as overly general. He writes about ethics, politics, language, time, space, forgiveness, the death penalty, sovereignty, Marxism, etc....
峰峦如聚,波涛如怒,山河表里潼关路。望西都,意踟蹰。 伤心秦汉经行处,宫阙万间都做了土。兴,百姓苦;亡,百姓苦。 在我们这儿新冠疫情早在三月就结束了。到现在新冠已经有六波了,不过因为有mRNA疫苗的保护(大多数人都接种了三针)一切也算是正常。口罩还有人戴,公共交通还要求戴,其它场所就是自愿的了。现在的新闻主要就是乌克兰和上海。 俄罗斯入侵乌克兰已经50多天了,国内有不少人竟然说,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰是因为北约东扩,并以此为俄罗斯的侵略战争辩护。如果二战时希特勒入侵波兰是侵略,当年美国进攻伊拉克是侵略,为什么普京入侵乌克兰就不是侵略?站在俄罗斯那些邻国的角度,为什么那些国家要或者想要加入北约?不就是担心俄罗斯的威胁。而这次俄罗斯的入侵更证明了这些担心并非空穴来风。再说了,俄罗斯为什么不想那些邻国加入北约?不就是担心人民自己选择的自由会威胁或动摇独裁专制。对乌克兰的真正支持只有一种,那就是提供各种支援,包括食物、药品和武器弹药,支持乌克兰保家卫国,直到最后的胜利。 上海这个两千五百万人口的大都市因为奥密克戎而封城,由此引发各种惨剧。许多人没有受到新冠影响,却承受了封城的苦难。有人在家挨饿,有人急症得不到救治,有人不堪重负跳楼自尽。大白和红马甲却享受了至高权力的威风,以防疫之名可以随意殴打、抓捕,擅闯民宅。美领馆撤了,日本领馆没吃的了,韩国领事致函复旦请求让韩国留学生回国。一个国际大都市为什么会变成这样?武汉封城,西安封城,深圳封城,同样的悲剧为什么要一次次重复上演?难道润是普通百姓的唯一选择?
I have been to several cities in my travel. I lived in a city when I was young. In the north, there’s my childhood in a rural village and a high school. In the east, that’s my home for a while. In the west, I had my best college time. In the south, that’s where my girlfriend lived. At that time, the city was still small. I could walk to my grandma’s house on my little feet from my school....
“It is unreal to watch some alleged leftists, in real time, fail to recognise a fascist dictatorship attempting to exterminate a liberal democracy, and calling for that democracy to surrender to fascism in the name of peace.” I am with Oz Katerji on this. If we agree Hitler invaded Poland, we have to agree Putin invaded Ukraine. If we stand with Ukraine, we have to send all resources including food, medcine, and arms to help Ukraine to defend themselves, till the victorious end....